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Six and a half week test...

Six and a half weeks of waiting...  What would happen if someone put spray paint, stickers, or permanent marker on a dry erase board and it wasn't found for six and a half weeks?  Read on...  We tested our product in just this way.

We placed pen, pencil, regular magic marker (the type that is intended for use on paper), permanent marker, spray paint, Elmer's Glue (glued on blue glitter), plus other writeable markings on a sample piece of our Dry Erase-Plus Dry Erase Board. Six and a half weeks later we took a dry paper towel and easily wiped off most of the marks, and then we took a wet paper towel and took off the rest.  Just that simple!   Wow!


Picture of the erase is darkened to show the completeness of the erase  JML Dry Erase-Plus� Dry Erase Board

For more Dry Erase-Plus pictures, visit the Photo Gallery.

So what would happen after six and a half weeks?  If the marks were on your JML Dry Erase-PlusDry Erase Board, those otherwise permanent marks would be easily removed; including, all residual 'ghosting'.  Clean as new every time!

JML's Dry Erase-Plus Dry Erase Boards really stands up to the test!

Dry Erase-Plus Dry Erase surface is available in two formats: Dry Erase Skin/ Film and Dry Erase Paint.


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JML Products and Design

   Manufacturer of  Dry Erase-Plus￿ Dry Erase Skins, Dry Erase Overlays, Dry Erase Replacements, Chalkboard Replacements, Board Resurfacing, Writeable Mural Walls, Dry Erase Paint, Magnetic Dry Erase Boards, and Movable Wall Partitions Room Dividers

Home Office Dry Erase Boards... any size or coordinating color

School Dry Erase Boards... upgrade quickly and economically with one of our overlay products Preschool Early Childhood Centers Elementary Public Private High Schools Colleges and Universities Classroom Dry Erase

Office Dry Erase Boards... for that professional clean look after every erasing


Dry Erase -Plus Skins, Overlays, Replacement, and Upgrade is available in white and transparent.

Dry Erase -Plus is manufactured in the United States.



    Toll free  1.888.877.2261    Local to 816 and 913 area codes 816.728.2261
International  1.816.728.2261
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General Information and Sales: Sales@JMLProductsAndDesign.com
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Dry Erase-Plus￿ is a trademark of  JML Products and Design.  Perlitecrete￿  is a trademark owned by MichaelHeiman.
￿ 2007 by JML Products and Design    All Rights Reserved

Dry Erase -Plus is patent protected.

Dry erase paint for writable walls is patent protected.

Dry Erase-Plus￿  Easy-read￿

Manufacturer / Distributor